Being a cheapskate Dr. Vincent Giarrusso has regular sessions with Michael Sheinberg, a psychotherapist in training
These are the recordings.
56 episodes
They shoot horses, don't they?
Michael persists with dance therapy even after Vincent is diagnosed with running legs
Season 8
Episode 5
Watusi to you
Vincent suspects that he is being watched when Michael suggests dance as a therapeutic mode to explore anxious thoughts.
Season 8
Episode 4
You’re the top.
Vincent is deep in training for the Meaningless Marathon Conversations whilst Michael takes lyrical therapy to the extreme
Season 8
Episode 3
He Her
The two Michaels work together to assess the probability of Vincent taking part in an important event at the Mentalympics. Vincent identifies as a donkey. Special Guest Therapy Supervisor: Michael Kontorovich...
Season 8
Episode 2
Uber-quack or Shrink-aroo
Vincent ponders who is the puppet and who is the puppet master and consequently suffers another existential crisis much to Michael’s dismay,.
Season 8
Episode 1
A Regression back to the couch
Michael goes around in circles when Vincent heads back to the couch
Season 7
Episode 7
Crouching tiger , hidden wagon
Vincent's cognitive behaviourist journey causes more harm than good and Michael invents a new film genre.
Season 7
Episode 6
Yeah Yeah Yo
Michael channels bushisms and Vincent is torn between being more cognitive or more behavioural
Season 7
Episode 5
Is Cajoling a sport?
Michael questions the correct pronunciation of “scone” and Vincent is uplifted when he learns that he has qualified as a potential nominee for the Mentalympics.
Season 7
Episode 4
Fawn failure
A fawning incident at work forces Vincent to question Michael’s dentistry skills and ability to lead a buddhist workshop.
Season 7
Episode 3
Men without hats
Much to Vincent’s delight Anita Beard wins a failure award at the institution they both work at, meanwhile Michael recites the safety dance.
Season 7
Episode 2
Cognition Ignition
Michael has a lightbulb moment when Vincent existentially moves on from existentialism.
Season 7
Episode 1
Clognitive Behavioural Theory
From the depths of existential angst Michael suggests a new modality for Vincent's therapy journey which includes clogs.
Season 6
Episode 8
Looking for love in all the wrong places
Vincent hits the trifecta with three failed projects adding to his existential malaise. Michael suggests that he acts rather than reacts
Season 6
Episode 7
Adoption is an option?
Vincent is disconcerted when finds out that his father is visited regularly by Nostradamus and that he will live forever . Michael suggests that Vincent is legally adopted by his mother in law
Season 6
Episode 6
Do two negatives make a positive?
Despite all of Michael’s reframing Vincent suffers existential angst when he fails at being nominated for a failure award.
Season 6
Episode 5
Flunking Up
Michael questions positive affirmations when Vincent is in the running to be nominated for a failure award.
Season 6
Episode 4
Roads to Freedom
Michael decides to cure Sam’s conjunctivitis with a water gun whilst Vincent immerses himself in existential literature
Season 6
Episode 3
King Ham
Vincent is jubilant after he manages to redirect the farmer’s wife's neural pathways. Michael uses Hamlet as a way to reconfigure Vincent’s therapy journey which leaves Vincent unsure of who he is and what he will be.
Season 6
Episode 2
Apologies Unaccepted
Vincent is bamboozled when Michael suggests existentialism as a different course of determination.
Season 6
Episode 1
Face to Face AI
Vincent felt penetrated by Michael’s intent gaze. as an AI analysis of Michael and Vincent’s first and only face to face encounter confirms that it was an unmitigated disaster.
Season 5
Episode 8
Roast Icarus
Michael’s diagnosis is that low stability is contributing to Vincent’s flat mood and lack of buoyancy
Season 5
Episode 7
Every which way but loose
Michael proposed a Las Vegas style of performative therapy as a new stage of enquiry whilst Vincent is reticent about articulation.
Season 5
Episode 6